

How to Choose Health Insurance Plan in US?

US Health Insurance for Non-Citizens

The US government does not provide health insurance to all citizens, and people living in the United States are not required to have health insurance. This is an option, but healthcare is highly recommended and necessary as it is much more expensive than any other country in the world.

There are two types of health insurance in the United States, private and public. Most people use a combination of the two. Public Health Insurance in the United States is Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program.

How to Choose a Good US Health Insurance Plan?

When seeking health insurance, be sure to ask the following questions:

Does this package entitle you to visit the doctor, hospital, clinic or pharmacy of your choice?

Do professionals such as optometrists and dentists have insurance?
Does the package cover any special medical conditions or treatments such as pregnancy, mental health care, or physiotherapy?
Does the package include home care or home care and any medications your doctor may prescribe?
What is the reduction target? Anyone paying for it themselves?

What is the maximum amount I have to pay out of my pocket to cover costs?
Also understand how your provider handles billing or service disputes, as some plans may require a third party to decide how to resolve the issue. The GeoBlueXplorer plan is recommended for foreigners in the United States



Medicare is the national health insurance program since 1966. We provide health insurance not only for US citizens over the age of 65, but also for young people with end-stage kidney disease, ALS, and other disabilities.

According to data, in 2018 Medicare provided medical care to approximately 60 million people in the United States, of whom more than 51 million are 65 years of age or older.

The Medicare program is divided into four sections.

Part A-covers hospitals, skilled care and hospital services.

Part B – Covers outpatient services, hospital outpatient costs, including services provided by multiple providers during hospitalization

Part C – An alternative called managed Medicare, where the patient chooses health insurance with at least the same coverage as Parts A and B, often Part D benefits, and annual spending restrictions that A and B don't have. I can do that. To sign this section, you must first sign part A and part B.

Section D-Mainly covers self-administered prescription drugs.


Medicaid is a federal and state program that helps people with limited income and resources meet their healthcare costs while covering benefits that Medicare does not typically cover, such as nursing home care and personal care services.

It is the largest source of funding for medical and health-related services for low-income people in the United States. According to the data, the United States provides health insurance to 71 million people with low incomes or disabilities, which is 23% of the total United States population.

Children's Health Insurance Program

Formerly known as the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the program is not low enough to qualify for Medicaid but provides health insurance for children in middle-income families.

The Affordable Care Act – Obamacare

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a federal law signed into law by President Obama that requires all citizens to have health insurance or be penalized. The law was designed to reduce healthcare costs while providing Americans with better healthcare, so it subsidized low-income households by taxing healthcare providers and high-income households.

The Affordable Care Act allows parents to put their children on insurance up to the age of 26 to encourage healthy young people to contribute. Even with chronic diseases, poor people can be treated instead of the emergency room.

US private health insurance

There are approximately 1,000 private health insurance companies in the United States, each offering different plans at different prices, most of which depend on the individual's medical history. However, some individual packages are for one person only, while others are group packages, especially for families.

In general, there are three types of health insurance in the United States.

Traditional service-fee health insurance plans are typically the most expensive in the United States and the most difficult for those on below-average incomes to purchase. However, this is the best plan as it is the most flexible.

A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) that not only offers healthcare providers limited options, but also offers a lower cost of ownership and assumes a larger portion of the cost of preventative care. They are evaluated and certified by the National Quality Assurance Commission.

The same Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) as the HMO has a lower cost of ownership but offers a list of available providers, giving you more flexibility when choosing a provider.

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