To be a Successful in Islam

Succes is a big dream of every human in their future life. Everyone always want to be a successful. Some people will say that succes is when they have a lot of money, have good position, and good achievement.

So everyone have a devinision of succes by theirself. As known, the definitions are different from each others. But the importance, success is hitting their goals in their life.

Some motivator maybe ever said there are some ways and keys, how to get succes. But actually, 14 centurys ago, Islam detailly explained about those. The are three keys to reach the goals, to reach the dream and to be a successful in Islam.

Number one: Believe. Believe here, is devided to two parts. Firts: People have to believe in Allah. And second: believe to theirself.

Believe to Allah has meaning that Allah will help them. Believe that Allah will not give them a chance can't they finish it.

Second, they must believe to theirself that they can do what will they do. Before world motivator say right now, example from Dig ziglar said "if you can dream it you can reach it". Or from Ady Ginanjar" people want to be a successful must grow up a belief in their mind. Then, result will follow it.

Before they talked about those, Islam had talked 14 centurys ago. Allah said in hadis qudsi

انا عند ظن عبدي بي
(Ana inda dzonni Abdi bii)
I am in beside of my servant mind

So the first way to reach their dream is believe. They have to hange their mind that they can do what will they do.
Believe will open their mind that they can do it. And what is next?

Number Two: Effort or preperation

Kolonel Sanderas is the owner of KFC, but before, he is poor people.
Even, He has been rejected for 1009 times. Because he always spirit and never give up, now he has 18.000 outlet in the 150 countrys.

So never surrounding is the key, try and try again, never give up if people just try one time, just two times, three times and four etc, they can learn from the story of Kolonel Sanders. Do it with maximum effort.

In islam was mentioning in Al Quran fourteen centurys ago

ان الله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيروا ما بانفسهم

In easy meaning, Allah will not change a fate of people, untill they change by their self.

And thete is an idiom in arabic language, Maybe it is so famous
من جد وجد
Whosoever is doing something with maximum effort, he will get it.

So they have to reach their dream with maximum effort. If they fall and fall just try and try again.

Number three: Pray.

Pray is the best weapon for them. Because pray can change their fate.
Pray can change the impossible thing to be a possible. From ordinary to be extra ordinary. Because there is nothing impossible to our god, everything is possible.

Without pray they just crawl lonely,  walk lonely, run, effort lonely, with pray we will do everything with the strongest of their God.

Theu have to believe that pray can change their fate and bring them to their dream.

Nabi said:
لا يغير القضاء الا بالدعاء
Fate will not change, except with pray.

So. There are three keys to reach their dream in islam.


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